Friday, September 30, 2011

Eve of BEC

Here we are the day before BEC. What a switch from the day before I took AUD! I day before Audit I took the entire day to study, I reviewed, I got everything together (NTS, ID’s etc.) Planned out what I was going to wear since I didn’t want to be too hot or too cold. This time? Well, I am SWAMPED at work, I’ll be stuck here late, then I’ll run out and try to study for a couple of hours. A final review of sorts. Then I’ll drive home, maybe paint, but hopefully not, and crash into bed as early as possible. I should probably locate my NTS in there somewhere J

I have a lot of anxiety about this test. Not worried anxiety, just the I WANT THIS TO BE OVER WITH anxiety. I think the promise of 2 whole weeks off is a huge breather for me. I seriously am so excited, I can’t wait.

I have definitely put in my time for this exam. I didn’t keep track but I have to be around 120 hours, which I think is plenty for BEC. I know all of the material, but the past 2 weeks I haven’t had the time to study like I would like, and that is what worries me the most. Will I remember enough to pass? All I need is a 75. I know I need to stop and slow down and really read the questions and use my common sense to answer them.

I can do this!!

I’ll be back to let you know how it goes.

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